Fram Museum

Moonraker were commissioned by award winning Visitor Attraction Design and Installation company Sarner International to help refresh the dramatic and exciting exhibition at the Fram Museum in Oslo.

The exhibition brings to life Norway’s most famous ship, the Fram whilst telling the incredible stories of the famous Arctic and Antarctic explorers that sailed her.

Moonraker had the challenge of creating a new 60 fps 15 minute fully CG film for the immense 18k, 280-degree field of view projection space viewed from the deck of the ship.

We optimised Maya rendering in Redshift to help with the sheer volume of rendering 27,000 frames at 18k. We also wrote tools to create a QC process that allowed us to review the film in sections on a 4K projector to cope with the unusual aspect ratio.

The CG included an epic ocean storm sequence (created in Houdini) and photoreal ice fields and flows as well as a highly detailed CG recreation of the Fram ship.

We also produced a series of interactive shots for projection onto a half dome recreating the journeys at the Arctic and Antarctic taken by the Fram explorers.

The finished product has received extremely positive reviews within Norway and the wider Visitor Attraction community.



Production Company: Sarner
Executive Producer: Andrew McKinna
VFX Creative Director: Simon Clarke
VFX Supervisor: Tom Downes
VFX Producer: Scott Metcalfe