Dogs: An Amazing Animal Family

In this fascinating natural history series, Biologist Patrick Aryee embarks on a journey through the twists and turns of the canine family tree. In stunning locations around the world we see how different members of this family have evolved physically and how their intelligent behaviours and their tight-knit social groups have allowed them to thrive in some of the planet's wildest landscapes.

Having been awarded an RTS award for best Visual Effects for Cats, An Amazing Animal Family and following the very successful Monkeys, An Amazing Animal Family, we were commissioned by Offspring Films to further develop the Animal Family brand, this time with man’s best friend, Dogs.

To achieve this, we combined specially filmed aerial drone material and carefully composed live action of the dogs themselves to help create a stunning desert environment and magically populate our CG tree with the various canine breeds.

Built with specialist software, our tree was carefully constructed to provide the visual rhetoric for our various canine lineages. Our compositing team then had the skillful task of seamlessly integrating our family of dogs into the tree.



Broadcaster: Sky One
Production Company: Offspring Films
Executive Producer: Alex Willamson
Series Producer: Sam Hodgson
VFX Creative Director: Simon Clarke
VFX Supervisor: Graham Stott
3D Supervisor: Jem Grimshaw
VFX Producer: Jon Grafton